Thursday, April 30, 2009

An End of The Month Wrap Up

for those of you keeping score at home, here's what happened in april: not much.

i still need to buy pants for the wedding. pants that go with my awesome velor suit jacket that i bought. i wanted to buy a pair of $300 versace pants on saturday, but something told me not to. it was probably the fact that they were $300. so if anyone has some extra cash lying around, and wants to help me out.........

invitations and centerpieces: ask us later about these.

engagement party: we had one. it went well. we learned that if you put three kinds of cupcakes in front of people, one being somewhat plain, two being really fancy-- people will take the fancy ones.

tomorrow is apparently may 1st. that means there are three months until the wedding. and that means there are like, two and a half months left to finishing getting things together.

my my. how time flies when you are slaving away.

also, just as a side note...nothing really "ha ha" funny has happened to us since announcing our engagement. wedding planning is, contrary to the name of this blog, not hilarious. it's sad and tiring and expensive.

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