Thursday, April 30, 2009

An End of The Month Wrap Up

for those of you keeping score at home, here's what happened in april: not much.

i still need to buy pants for the wedding. pants that go with my awesome velor suit jacket that i bought. i wanted to buy a pair of $300 versace pants on saturday, but something told me not to. it was probably the fact that they were $300. so if anyone has some extra cash lying around, and wants to help me out.........

invitations and centerpieces: ask us later about these.

engagement party: we had one. it went well. we learned that if you put three kinds of cupcakes in front of people, one being somewhat plain, two being really fancy-- people will take the fancy ones.

tomorrow is apparently may 1st. that means there are three months until the wedding. and that means there are like, two and a half months left to finishing getting things together.

my my. how time flies when you are slaving away.

also, just as a side note...nothing really "ha ha" funny has happened to us since announcing our engagement. wedding planning is, contrary to the name of this blog, not hilarious. it's sad and tiring and expensive.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cupcakes, Compromises and Everything Else That We've Been Up To

A lot of people—and by that, I mean, the few people who are actually going to read this—have begun to ask me why we don’t update this blog more often.

The truth is: who has the time? Honestly. I have hinted at it before in previous posts, but we still have lives outside of planning this wedding—although at times it seems like we don’t.

But to quench your thirst for an update, here’s a smattering of what’s been happening lately:

Bomb Catering—is still awful, but like an arranged marriage, we are going with them anyway. After trying to find a tactful way to ask for a different sales representative, Bomb Catering countered our move with a slightly less tactful one. The other sales rep we emailed ratted us out to the one we were trying to get rid of.

Doesn’t she know that no one likes a snitch?

Anyway, after a painfully awkward conversation between Wendy and this awful Bomb Catering rep, this woman’s attitude has suddenly shifted, and things seem to have worked themselves out. So, much to my chagrin, but much to the celebration of everyone else—we are having a cash bar at the reception.

So drink up. Please. Drink for two, even, if you would be so kind.

Cupcakes—if you know either of us, you know we are pretty picky about our food, especially desserts. Wedding cake, to me, is one of the least appetizing things on the planet, so upon suggestion from our caterer, we have gone a different route: cupcakes. Made by a place called Cupcake. That’s seriously all they do. They make cupcakes.

Ok. So that’s maybe not ALL they do. They make sandwiches and stuff too. But they have, like, over 30 kinds of cupcakes on their menu.

At our tasting, we tried three free cupcakes—one from each price point on their menu. While we were there, we also paid for some other cupcakes, and decided on having the following: The June Clever, The Double Chocolate, and the Lemon Meringue. Chiggity-check them out on Cupcake’s website.

Other Bits—


A while back, we met with a rental service called Hire-a-Host: a company that we gladly would have worked with, if we slept on a bed made out of money. They were a little spendy—not only did you get rentals, but also staff to serve the food onto said rentals. So we went with someone else.

We registered for more stuff at Target. And we changed our mind about the XBOX 360. I mean—who would buy us that? We added a Nintendo Wii instead. Because it’s $50 less, and that makes your decision to buy it for us right there.

Slidey Pens:
I suppose now I can let the cat out of the burlap sack about this matter. Way back when, I said that if we ever got married, we NEEDED to have slidey pens for wedding favors at the reception. So when the planning process started moving along, I looked into slidey pens. It turns out you can make your own—but it costs QUITE a bit of money.

Upon further research, I found a website that sells a wedding design slidey pen. It wasn’t exactly what we were looking for, but we could personalize part of it, and it was considerably less.
Once costs of other things (food, booze, et. al) started to rise, the slidey pens had to be dropped. Which is fine I guess. I thought we’d always have the free samples that the person I was working with sent me.

Turns out I was wrong about that. Dude wants them back. Seriously? Seriously. Dude wants his free samples back. WHO DOES THAT?

Well, with only roughly three months left until the big day, I will try to update this more often. Because I know everyone is dying to hear more.