Thursday, July 23, 2009

As Bloggers, We May Lack Initiative.....

Would you look at that? It's July 23rd. The last post on here happened almost two months ago. My how time flies when you're having fun. And by "having fun," I mean "planning a wedding."

But it's not like we've been sitting around watching "Twin Peaks" on DVD in our living room or anything. No. Wait. We have been. Man, that show was pretty awesome. But we've also been beyond busy getting things finalized for the wedding, which is almost upon us.

Where to begin....

Pants-- I got them. So my behind is, literally, covered. I maybe got the best deal of my life because the Versace pants that I so desperately wanted were on sale, and the final price was less than half of what they were originally.

Centerpieces-- They are done. And that's all that really needs to be said about them.

Catering/Booze/Rentals-- The grumbles have returned in regards to the two out of the three folks we've been dealing with when it comes to food and drink and plates. Needless to say, Bomb Catering still lives up to their name and their awful reputation with us.

Other bits-- Everything is, for the most part, falling into place. There are a couple of loose ends that need to be tied up tightly, but we're working on it. But in between jobs (I have two, Wendy has one), dealing with delinquents that did not RSVP by July 1st, and trying to have a life outside of this all-- we're slightly concerned we will be hospitalized for exhaustion like our favorite celebrities often are.

Some friends of ours got married earlier this month, and in going to their ceremony, our enthusiasm for our own wedding was renewed, which was good. Because it'd be bad if we were both phoning it in on August 1st. We also had the foresight to do "pre-wedding" wedding photos, which will cut down on time/frustration spent on pictures the day of. While we've been doing such a superb job of updating this website for the first part of the year, we swear we'll be better post wedding-- putting up our photos and info on how to order them if you'd like something commemorative from the day.

Also, on a final note, if you haven't purchased a wedding gift yet, and are wondering what to get for us-- please visit bloomingdale's dot com, because the Target registry is pretty well picked over at this point.

Thanks for reading. Perhaps we'll see you on August 1st.